Original post: Most of us make trash and need bags to put it in. Seguin Art League members are going to sell four sizes of house and garden bags and make lots of money for a new home.
Order forms are available below, in your email, and at the Selig Room (by the sign-in book). Or ask Janelle to send you a form by US mail. We collect orders and money from everybody we can and mail checks and the completed order form to Janelle Hannemann at 1767 Kothmann Dr., Seguin TX 78155 by Aug. 16.
When the bags arrive in early September, we pick them up from Suzanne Drake at the Guadalupe County Fair Office (on the fair grounds south of the Coliseum) and deliver them to the purchasers.
It's that simple. For the minimum order of 120 rolls, "minimum we can make is $510," Janelle says, and "Max is whatever we want." Click here for a brochure, order form, and detailed procedures, and let's get busy!